Wednesday, 13 May 2015

TAC 2015 News 5.2

Dear Racers,

Here are some updates for the ESC and Motor that's ALLOWED for TAC 2015 SG Rd 3:

Allowed ESC:
- TBLE-01 Brushless (Sensorless) -- 45038- TBLE-01S Brushless (Sensored) -- 45047- TBLE-02S Brushless (Sensored or Brushed Capable) -- 45057
- TBLE-03S Bruhsless (Sensored or Brushed Capable) -- 45066- Any Tamiya Brushed ESC

Allowed Motor:
- TBLM-01 18T Brushless (Sensorless) -- 54181
- TBLM-01S 16T Brushless (Sensored) -- 54275
- TBLM-02S 15.5T Brushless (Sensored) -- 54612
- Tamiya Sports Tuned Motor -- 53068* (will be handed for racers on Sunday that required it)

Pricing for the above will be as follows:

(Any 1 set @ S$ 150 -- inclusive of race fee*)
1) 45044 -- (45038 + 54181)
2) 45057 + 54275
3) 45057 + 54612
4) 45066 + 54612 (currently out of stock)
5) 45066 + 54275


(Any 1 @ S$ 65)
1) TBLM-01S 16T Brushless (Sensored) -- 54275
2) TBLM-02S 15.5T Brushless (Sensored) -- 54612 (currently out of stock)

(Any 1 @ S$ 80 -- inclusive of race fee*)
1) TBLE-02S -- 45057
2) TBLE-03S -- 45066

*when purchase of item inclusive of race fee, the race fee is strictly non-transferable to other races.
*if racers wish to purchase the sport tuned motor after race, it will be available at S$ 20

For racers who are interested to use the official Motor + ESC combo for TAC Finals 2015, our apology that we had yet to get any confirmation on which combo is the Official combo that will be used in that race.
Please kindly give us some time as we are also awaiting for the confirmation from Tamiya Japan.
Thank you !

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